The Algorithmic Theatre
Art Exhibition
Spatial Design and Production
2023 & 24


The Danish Art gallery Den Fried and experimental platform Toaster invited Labyss, to present their investigation on how our memory can be reactivated through new algorithmic technologies. Digital amnesia is on the rise, more and more of us are increasingly leaving the work of remembering to our phones and computers.

We designed the space for the exhibition playing with the merge between fiction and reality. Ironically extracting inspiration from ordinary spaces such as, citizen institutions or a startup corporation, the layout intent to confuse audiences whether the situation is a reality or a set. Our work contemplates: Props, graphics, furniture and lighting and production, making sure the technological side of the piece was experienced, as the artists envisioned.

Labyss Toaster Den Frie


Have you wondered if you are losing the ability to remember? How many phone numbers can you remember? How about which year what happened? We may soon forget important life events without help as digital devices and storage has become our memory and an online extension of our brain.

Coming to the rescue is Labyss, a fictive Danish startup that uses the latest technologies in algorithms and AI to revive and store your memories.

Combining humour and critical thinking, the interactive performance installation Labyss develops AI capable of storing your memories by means of a sensory experience. Through conversations guided by AI and questionnaires, memories from the audiences are harvested into the company cloud before being absorbed and regenerated into a strange emerging collective life form.

As part of the double bill with Retry Login, Labyss is a singular experience at the intersection of performing arts, scenic design and programming. Spatial and costume design evokes humour and contemplation, Labyss investigates the increased algorithmization of life through cutting-edge technologies in algorithms and AI to revive and store your memories.